Who really cares?

When the going gets tough, who would really stand for you?

It’s a popular saying that family and friends are your support structure but, are they really? My opinion is people tend to be there for you when it is rosy; however, when you are saddled with lots of challenges, that’s a true test of relationship. Irrespective of your emotional investment in such relationships – blood or friends, individuals tend to think of Self first, while a little percentage of the population would consider you first in some situations.

I am not an exception to the rule, but I can say in countless occasions, I have considered my family/friends first before me. But, as life unfolds, I am beginning to see the need to consider me first in all situations before anyone, because in the real sense, all humans are selfish.

One major event that happened to affirm this new mentality was when I needed funds to start a new phase in my life. Being Miss Independent from an early age has made me extremely conservative, especially when it involves asking people for help. Rather, I choose to be at the giving end. In addition, my many emotionally invested relationships boosted my confidence that obtaining funds which would be returned afterwards wouldn’t be a problem. I wish..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

Let me run through some of the outrageous responses I got. One person, took her time to listen to my story and found it hilarious – I mean, she was laughing at my ordeal. Certain people promised to assist, and when the time elapsed, they stopped picking calls nor responding to messages.While others promised to assist and at the required time, changed it on me. Furthermore, some were interested in what their benefits would be, and some didn’t care if there was a need or not as they had their own issues to deal with. How ironic! Majority of these people have benefitted from me in one way or the other. But what do I know, because you help people when they are down doesn’t mean they would help you in your down moment.

In spite of all these negatives, there are still a few who stood by me and are still standing with me. They are called “The Angels”. Irrespective of the fact that they didn’t have to support me, they went ahead to ask others on my behalf while others gave what they could afford. This kind of people are the true MVPs and should be kept close.

Welcome to the story of Miss Independent with a large circle, but miniature help.