Natural Hair Wahala

img_20190119_104507Nne, that is how I carried myself to join #curlgang O. Afterall, Cynthia did it, Kaka followed, Tola even has a blog now. So, kini big deal ?

Week1: It’s one week after I would have gone for my two-monthly touch-up ritual but I ain’t having any of it. I decide to do million twists, so that daily combing doesn’t remind me of all the reasons my folks thought it wise not to let me see my natural hair.
I’m pleased at the thought of hiding under this for another three weeks, if my scalp would let me.
Month 1: Taking out the twists one week short was probably not a great decision, but I had some help, so …
Month 2: Still co-washing and conditioning and braiding (without extensions) and trying to measure my undergrowth with my finger span. I can’t take out all my hair at once – it’ll be a nightmare to comb through. So I wash with the braids still in and rebraid in sections.

Month 3: In the spirit of transitioning, I do my first big chop, still wondering what consumed and directed me to undertake this journey entirely by selfcare. The hair oil shelf is now my best friend. Youtube must be to blame …

Month 4: Chop, chop, chop.
Who send me sef ? Just as I’m contemplating a return to my royal straightness, then comes this fantastic invention of man ; a mirror.

And in an instant, my fingertips lose all their soreness, for there it is – two inches, for all my labour in the curl struggle !